Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering The Innocent

Six years ago today, I was attending Microsoft TechEd when I heard about the World Trade Center disaster. I was horrified and was glued to CNN from shortly after the first tower was hit. It was one of those moments that will stick with me for the rest of my life. The only word that comes to mind is "shocking". Forget all the BS about politics, religious and cultural sensitivity and/or opinion. Been there, seen it, experienced it (politics, religion, culture, race). This was just plain wrong.

Targeting the innocent to make a statement should never be condoned. Ever! Most of the people affected by this attack probably never even had an opinion on the subject. So many lives were destroyed or so brutally effected, for what?

Regardless of all this, I just wanted to take a moment in my life to remember all those who lost their lives 6 years ago, and a special thought to all those who tried so hard to save so many lives and ultimately lost their own.

I remember. I hope you do to.

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